Microblading & Lip Blushing

Lip Blushing

Lip blushing is another popular permanent makeup technique. We use sterile tattooing tools specifically designed for this treatment to add color and dimension to your lips. The result is a fuller and younger-looking pout. Our artists will choose a color that compliments your skin tone perfectly and looks natural.




What is lip blushing?

Unlike old-school (permanent and opaque) lip tattooing methods, lip blushing is semi-permanent and offers a subtle wash of colour. Modern lip blushing injects pigment into the epidermis (top layer of the skin) using a quick hand motion and dotting method, similar to whip-shading or pepper-shading techniques seen in traditional tattooing. Lip blushing can be used to correct the shape or even out the tone of your lips. This permanent makeup procedure offers a natural-looking way to minimize the appearance of scars or aging on the lips. Lip blushing also allows you to wake up with a ‘your lips but better’ look that lasts throughout the day and doesn’t require regular cosmetic touch-ups. However, you can always apply lipstick or gloss over your lip blushing tattoo once it’s fully healed.


How long does lip blushing last?

Lip blushing treatments typically last between 2-3 years without any touch-ups. Factors such as your skin type, genetics, lifestyle habits and adherence to proper after-care practices affect the lifespan of your lip tattoo. Oily skin types, a vitamin D deficiency, frequent exfoliation, sun exposure (especially without SPF protection) and smoking can all cause premature fading. Always apply lip balm with SPF 30 before going outside to keep the pigment vibrant and extend the life of your lip blushing tattoo.


Does lip blushing make your lip look bigger?

Lip blushing can give the illusion of fuller lips. The permanent makeup treatment helps define your lip shape and adds a glossy finish that often makes the lips appear bigger. However, unlike lip fillers, lip blushing doesn’t add any material volume to the area. Lip blushing is perfect for adding a subtle and naturally fuller look to your lips.

Consider combining your lip blushing tattoo with a lip filler treatment to add some pigment while significantly enhancing the size of your pout. If trying out lip filler first, wait at least 6 months before lip blushing. Otherwise, it is best to start with your lip blushing treatment. Schedule your next lip filler appointment at least 2 weeks after lip blushing. To better understand the difference between these, we covered everything you need to know about lip blushing vs. lip fillers to help you decide which is best for you.


What should you know before and after lip blushing?

Proper preparation is essential for a successful lip blushing session. Do your research on the permanent makeup studios in your area. Read reviews carefully. If possible, take an artist recommendation or referral from someone you trust. Experiment with different lipstick and gloss colours beforehand, so you can best communicate your shade preferences to your artist. Bring inspiration photos or your favourite product to your appointment, if possible, so your artist can find comparable pigment colours during the consultation. The entire lip blushing session should take 60-90 minutes, including the consultation and permanent makeup procedure.

In the few days leading up to your lip blushing session, routinely exfoliate and hydrate your lips. Use a lip scrub (either store-bought or DIY sugar scrub) and a moisturizing balm daily. Having a smooth pout when you walk into your lip blushing appointment enables the pigment to appear vibrant and distribute evenly. Lip blushing also dries out the lips, so removing dry patches and diligently moisturizing your lips reduces complications during the healing process, such as cracked skin, infection or patchy pigmentation. Avoid alcohol for the last 24 hours before your appointment to further prevent skin dehydration. Drink plenty of water to support your skin’s moisture levels.

The pigment colour will be its brightest immediately after your lip blushing session is completed. The fully-healed shade will be between 30-50% less intense than this initial hue, so don’t be alarmed if your lip colour looks more vibrant than you expected. Lip blushing tattoos take around 4 weeks to fully heal. However, the first 10-14 days of the lip blushing healing process are the most critical.


Which lip blushing colours should I consider?

When exploring potential shade options, identify your skin’s shade and undertones. Your skin shade (or tone) refers to the pigment (type, size and distribution of melanin) of your complexion. While everyone’s skin tone is unique, most individuals can categorize their complexion in one of these broader categories: pale, olive, Asian and dark skin tones.

Determining your skin undertones is equally (or even more) important when seeking to find your perfect lip blushing shade. You can often find your skin’s undertone by looking at the veins on your wrist. If your veins appear blue, your skin has pink or cool undertones. If your veins look green, you have yellow or warm undertones. If you have bluish-green veins, you probably have a neutral skin undertone (a balance of warm and cool undertones). Another way to find your skin’s undertone is through the jewelry test. If gold jewelry is more flattering on your complexion, chances are you have warm skin undertones. If you prefer silver jewelry, you likely have cool undertones. If you have neutral undertones, you will probably find gold and silver jewelry equally flattering.

Individuals with warm undertones will find orange or golden-based lip blushing pigments to be the most flattering, while those with cool undertones typically look best in blue or purple-based lip blushing shades. Darker skin tones often find deeper hues that complement their undertones to be the most flattering and vice versa.


How does lip blushing differ when done on darker lips?

Lip blushing is a more extensive process if you have a darker complexion. A more melanin-rich pout has a darker blue or purple tint, which hinders pigment colour from showing up accurately on your natural lips. A micropigmentation technique called lip neutralization is used to balance out the skin’s undertones and lighten your lips. Lip neutralization, a form of lip blushing, uses an orange-based pigment to even out the undertones, eliminate dark spots and slightly lighten your lip shade. One to two lip neutralization sessions are needed for the best results. While you can do lip neutralization alone, it is often done as a prerequisite to a normal lip blushing procedure. The healing process for a lip neutralization tattoo is similar to that of a standard lip blushing tattoo (around 10-14 days to initially heal and up to 6-8 weeks to fully heal).


Does lip blushing hurt?

The lips are a naturally sensitive area, so it is normal to worry whether lip blushing will hurt. Fortunately, your artist will apply a topical numbing cream to significantly reduce the pain. The numbing cream is left on the lips for approximately 20 minutes before the procedure begins. With the numbing cream, your lip blushing treatment should include minimal pain. Many clients describe the lip blushing procedure as a series of light scratches or small pinches. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, so don’t be alarmed if you feel a moderate amount of pain at certain moments. However, severe pain is a red flag that something isn’t right. Let your artist know immediately if the procedure starts truly hurting. Speak up if you’re concerned. You don’t want a ‘lip blushing gone wrong’ experience.


What does the lip blushing healing process look like?

The entire lip blushing healing process takes 4-6 weeks. However, the top layer of skin should finish healing within 7-10 days after your lip blushing treatment. For the first 24 hours, expect the pigment to be incredibly vibrant. Lip blushing creates micro-wounds on the skin, which triggers your body’s inflammatory response. This process leaves lips fairly swollen and produces lymphatic fluid. Around 4-6 hours after your lip blushing session, gently dab this fluid off your lips with a fresh paper towel and lukewarm water. Follow up this step by applying a hydrating ointment (like Aquaphor) or a tattoo lotion.


Wash your freshly-inked lips with water and a fragrance-free cleanser daily for the first 10 days after lip blushing. Complete your after-care routine with your approved moisturizer. Apply a thin layer of this hydrating product as needed for (at least) the first 2 weeks.

After 2-3 days into the healing process, the swelling and pigment vibrancy should start to go down. By days 3-4, your lip blushing tattoo will begin peeling as the scabs start to fall off to unveil a healthy, healed layer of skin. The peeling stage should last up to around day 6-7 after lip blushing. By day 7, the pigment’s vibrancy should diminish by around 30–50% from its initial look right after your lip blushing session. After 10-14 days, your lip blushing tattoo should be healed on the surface level. However, you might see that the pigment colour will ‘disappear’ at this stage before your lip tattoo fully heals. As the skin continues to heal, the scabs thicken and temporarily conceal the ink. The lip tattoo’s colour should ‘return’ within 4-6 weeks once the lower layers of skin fully heal.

After 4 weeks, schedule a follow-up appointment, so your artist can ensure your lips healed properly and pigmentation can be touched-up to perfect your lip blushing for the next couple of years.


What are the side effects of lip blushing?

Some minor, normal side effects include:




Minor Bleeding

Mild Soreness or Pain

Side effects of improper after-care practices after lip blushing include:





Uneven Pigment Distribution

Excessive Swelling


Fever or Chills (Seek medical attention immediately)


What should I avoid after lip blushing?

Spicy Foods, Hot Beverages, Alcohol (for at least 48 hours)

Intense Exercise, Kissing, Saunas, Swimming, Sweating or Friction-Causing Activities (for 2 weeks)

Direct Sun Exposure, Laser Treatments, Chemical Peels, Lip Exfoliators or Cosmetics (for 2 weeks)



Microblading is a relatively new manual method for enhancing eyebrows. It is considered to be permanent makeup. It is done by using a very fine blade to deposit pigment into the epidermis. Because the color is closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. Giving you the most realistic eyebrows.




What is microblading?

Microblading is cosmetic tattoo-ing but is semipermanent. They implant pigment beneath the skin with tiny needles clustered together to mimic a blade. Through this, we’re able to replicate hair strokes by making tiny cuts into the skin.


How long does the procedure take?

The length of time varies on a client to client basis. Not everyone’s eyebrows are exactly the same. Some are very thick, very thin or non-existent. Some appointments can take one a half hours to up to three hours. This depends how much needs to be done or discussed prior to the procedure starting.


Does it hurt?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different so this will just depend. We use two topical anesthetics to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Getting tattooed when you’re on your menstral cycle can elevate discomfort and weaken your pain tolerance so it’s highly recommended to schedule around your menstrual cycle.


How long is the healing process?

Healing can take up to two weeks. Right after your procedure, your eyebrows are going to appear very dark due to blood coming to the surface of the skin. Once you reach six to ten days, you’ll experience peeling and patchiness. Once you get to two weeks, your peeling should have stopped. Your eyebrows might appear on the light side, which is normal. Once you get to week four, you’ll notice the pigment get darker again and the eyebrow appear fuller and more natural.


True or False: No working out for 7 to 10 days afterwards.

True! You absolutely must avoid heavy physical activity, excess sweating, and extreme heat for five to seven days after your procedure. Light exercise and minimal sweating is okay but you’ll have to clean your eyebrow area immediately after. The salt in sweat can actually fade the pigment resulting in less color retention.


Are there are any skincare products I need to stay away from during the healing process?

During the healing process, you do not want to use any acne cleansers because they typically have salicylic acid and glycolic acid in them, which can compromise your pigment and color retention. If you do wash your eyebrow area, using Dial Gold is highly recommended.


After everything is healed, can you get your eyebrows waxed still? Can you still fill them in a bit with a pencil if you want?

Waxing can take speed up the exfoliation process around the eyebrow as well as increased skin cell turnover leading to your pigment fading faster. Threading is a great alternative that will give you a perfect, clean shape without causing trauma to the skin.


How long does the semipermanent pigment last? 

It can last up to one to three years but also varies on a client by client basis.


I got my eyebrows microbladed and it didn’t last as long as they said it would. Any idea why that could be?

Contributing factors include pigment color [the lighter the color, the faster it will fade], lifestyle [sun exposure will speed up the pigmentation fading process; always put SPF 30 on your eyebrows], and iron deficiencies [if you’re iron deficient, your body can absorb the pigment as an supplement which will cause the pigment to fade faster], age [if you’re young, your skin cell turnover is faster so the pigment will last longer].


Do you have any follow-up visits? If so, how many?

Following your first session, it’s required to get a touch up within 6 to 8 weeks. This is to ensure that your eyebrows healed properly and to refine and darken any pigment in any places that need perfecting. Any follow-ups after the first one depends on your personal preference and depends how sharp and defined or soft and natural you want your eyebrows to look.


Is it safe for all skin types?

Absolutely! The only contradiction that would keep you from being a candidate is if you had a compromised eyebrow area like sunburn, dermatitis or on Accutane [can’t for 12 months because it thins the skin] or getting chemotherapy. Can slow down healing process and comprises your healing process. As a precaution, if you are pregnant or nursing, you cannot be microbladed. Anyone with liver disease is at a higher risk for infection.

We requires a doctor’s note for anyone with diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune disease and thyroid or graves disease – if you have allergies, a patch test can be performed upon request in order to ensure that you won’t have any reaction to products used during the microblading process.


The tail on one eyebrow is shorter than the other and will not grow. Would micro blading be suitable for filling it in and how natural would it look compared to the rest of the eyebrows having no work done to them?

Absolutely! Your microblading artist should provide you with more information and realistic expectations on your first visit.